Anna Katherine Shurley – Pastoral Care and Intellectual Disability. A person-Centered Approach. (2017)
Anna Shurley is a baptist minister who has served as a chaplain for children and adults with intellectual an developmental disabilities.
Een review van Warren Kinghorn zegt over dit boek: “proclaiming that ‘all christians are called to give care to and recieve care from another as a refelection of who they are as the Body of Christ’ Anna summons people wit hand without intellectual disability to faithful discipleship and mutual care. Anyone seeking to welcome people with and without disabilities into christian life together would benefit from reading this wise, joyful, and practical book.”
Baylor University Press. Theology/disability studies ISBN 978-1-4813-0169-5. Waco Texas 2017.
William C. Gaventa. Disability and spirituality. Recovering wholenesse (2018)
Hans Reinders zegt over dit boek: “With this book Bill Gaventa has added an intellectual masterpiece to his already astonishing practical work in the field of disability and religion. The main idea of his book – that disability and spirituality are mutually connected both in reflection and experience- is both a conclusion from a lifelong commitment to people with disabilties and their famiilies and an opening of new avenues for enriching professional supports to improve their lives.”
Bill Gaventa is the Director of Summer Institute on Theology and Disability.
Baylor University Press. Theology/Disability Studies. 2018. Wacon, Texas ISBN 9781481302791.
Thomas E. Reynolds. Vulnerable Communion. A theology of disability and hospitality (2008)
Kathy Black zegt over dit boek: “This is an important work for theologians, ethicists, clergy and seminary students as they reconsider assumptions about human and divine power and privilege. In placing persons with disabilities at the center of the theological conversation about God’s power, Reynolds negates the çult of normalcy,’offers a theology of vulnerability, and encourages the church to reclaim its role in providing hospitality to those on the margins of society.”
Brazor Press A division of Baker Publishing Group. Grand Rapids . 2008. ISBN 978-1-58743-177-7.
Erik W. Carter. Including people with disabilities in faith communities. A guide for service providers, families & congegrations. (2007)
Erik Carter zegt in zijn voorwoord: “It is a book about community-affirming that when people with disabilities are not worshipping, learning, living and serving among us, our communities are less then they could be, ought to be and were intended to be. It is a book about natural supports- calling on service providers to seek out and draw on the rich reservoirs of support and relationships that already exist in their communities. And it is a book about reciprocity-reminding all of us that we have as much to gain as we have to give from our relationships with people with disabilties.
A highly motivating guidebook.
Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Baltimore. 2007. ISBN 9781557667434.